
A cough is usually a reflex action to clear dust, phlegm and other irritants from your lungs and windpipe. Whilst recovering from COVID you may continue to experience a dry cough for some time.

Over time, a cough can develop into a cycle, where excessive coughing causes irritation and inflammation, which worsens the cough. A dry cough may have no obvious cause and using the advice below will help to prevent this cough.

A problematic cough can also make you breathe through your mouth, which means that lots of dry, fast flowing air enters the lungs, affecting the delicate airway membranes and causing further coughing.

It is important to realise everyone produces sputum as part of the body’s normal defence mechanisms. It’s how the lungs and airways keep themselves clear and clean.

You may find your chest remains productive with phlegm following an admission to hospital. Your breathing may be noisier than normal, and you maybe short of breath following a chest infection.

It is important to continue to clear the secretions from your lungs. This will reduce the chance of recurrent chest infections, allows you to breathe more freely during exercise and everyday activities and help reduce any uncontrolled coughing.

A coronavirus cough means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or three or more coughing fits or “episodes” in 24 hours.

If you usually have a cough because of a long-standing medical condition like COPD, it may be worse than usual.

Conventional remedies often come with unwanted side effects. Plus they are best taken for only a short period of time. Stop taking them and the symptoms come right back.

Fortunately, there are natural alternatives. These alternatives are ideal for anyone with swelling and mucus build-up in the airways. And they also help prevent and protect their airways before problems begin.

Explore our range of natural remedies against cough.

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